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I've just shared this over on instagram but I thought it would be a nice one to share with you too as it is probably something we can all be reminded of at times as we get swept along with the hustle and bustle of our busy lives.....

COURAGEOUS HEART is a term that has been swimming through my mind and spinning out of my lips in my teaching this week. They are two words that hold so much weight, vulnerability and potency, as well as the potential for so much joy.

Sometimes whilst I am teaching, it feels as if what I most need to hear and take on board for myself, is somehow downloaded in me and then translated into movement and words through my classes and workshops

I am taking note. I am listening.....

This week we focused on the Glorious, Powerful, Protective Warrior Goddess Durga.

reminding us of our own power, potential, self worth and purpose.

At times it feels easier to remain small doesn't it?. To play it safe, to keep things as they are. But Durga has reminded me that I have dreams, I have visions and a path that continues to unfurl before me. To follow this path, stepping out of my comfort zone and trying new things takes courage. Acting in alignment with your purpose, living from the heart if you like, is where for me, the phrase Courageous Heart comes into its own.

I am not only planting seeds for my dreams, I am actively propagating and tending to the soil~ daily. It feels wonderful, It feels empowering. It feels pregnant with magical possibility. My Courageous Heart thank you for taking me by the hand and showing me the way….

If you would like to join me in a workshop based on the Heart and how it is associated to Joy and Courage I have one planned in July and it would be a delight to see you and share the practice with you.

Here is the playlist we have been using in class this week to explore DURGA ..

I hope you enjoy it and that it ignites that spark of magic in your heart.

With all the love

Ray xx

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