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Wishing you a peaceful Christmas and a New Year filled with hope, blessings and grace.

Wishing you a peaceful Christmas and a New Year filled with hope, blessings and grace.

A note from me to you

This is just a short note from me to you, wishing you a peaceful Christmas and a New year filled with hope, blessings and grace. It is also a thank you for being here, for showing up and holding me steady in what has been quite possibly the most challenging year to date. From the bottom of my heart thank you.


It has and continues to be such a joy to serve you on the mat in this practice called yoga, which really signifies so very much more than the shapes we make on our mats. Yes, we come together and practice  asana, but the magic and potency comes from the connection. Connection to our breath, connection to our bodies, to our hearts and to one another.


We have created a space over the past twenty months where each of us can show up as we are,  with out any expectations. We take what we need from the practice wether that be energy, rest, time to think, time to feel. That is a powerful and healing balm and one that I am forever grateful for.


So for now, all that remains for me to say is 

stay well, take good care of yourselves and your loved ones, bathe in the pockets of joy found in the everyday and I look forward to seeing you in the new year


With love and gratlitude

Ray xxx

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As a way to say thank you for your support this year, i would love to offer you a recording of an extended practice from earlier this year — a practice for the heart. It is a 90 minute flow and restore class and is you can access it anytime.

You can find the accompanying playlist below or here

Snowy Forest
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It feels a lot right now and I know how vital and fortifying finding pockets of time for breath work and stress regulation is for me so as to remain steady and well.


I would love to share a PDF that I put together a few weeks ago for a workshop which details some simple stress regulation and breathing techniques. I hope it may be of some use to you.

I have exciting things in the pipeline for 2022 but that can wait for now, although perhaps you may like to put the 8th January in your diary for an extended session via Zoom ~ An Intention Setting Practice For A Luminous 2022


This is a practice combing dynamic movement, breath and contemplation that will stoke our inner fire helping to create fertile space for new seeds to be sown and latent dreams to become possible. 

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Teach me how to trust my heart, 
Teach me how to trust my mind, 
Teach me how to trust my intuition, 


Teach me how to trust my inner knowing, 
The senses of my body, 
The blessings of my spirit. 


Teach me to trust these things
so that I may enter my Sacred Space
and love beyond my fear


and thus Walk in Balance
with the passing of each glorious Sun.

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