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Sun, 17 Oct



Intentional Living~ Cornerstones of health & wellbeing for and exquisite midlife

Soulful movement practices, breath work and self regulation techniques for stress management. Come & explore the cornerstones of health for an exquisite midlife and beyond.

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Intentional Living~ Cornerstones of health & wellbeing for and exquisite midlife
Intentional Living~ Cornerstones of health & wellbeing for and exquisite midlife

Time & Location

17 Oct 2021, 10:15 – 13:15

PAUS, Toft Rd, Toft, Cambridge CB23, UK



If we are lucky, we will spend a quarter of our life, the other side of menopause.

In this 3 hour workshop we will begin to unpick some of the science and myths so as to re-frame our midlife and put in place health and wellbeing practices rooted in evidence based research that will not only give us advocacy, but also the potential to make these years exquisite.

Menopause is a normal life process and whilst we can not prevent or control the decline of certain hormones, there are some elements we can control.

Sleep, gut health, movement, nourishment, stress management  and how we envision our future self, all share a vital role in how we experience our health and wellbeing.  Whilst  important at  ANY age, these cornerstones become even more vital in our midyears.

Join me as we envision how we wish this next chapter of our life to look and feel.  We will explore  strengthening and soulful movement practices, stress management techniques using breath and massage and  finally strategies for deep soundful sleep.

Eastern traditions have a very different view point on menopause:The Japanese word for menopause is Konenki~

Renewal of life

A period of renewal, bringing with it a new sense of purpose, possibilities and growth.

Similarly In Chinese traditions, the term Second Spring is synonymous with Menopause. When the Heavenly Dew (menstruation) ceases, and the energy once required for conception moves up towards the heart, it’s said to provides a deeper wisdom/ Second Spring.

We can see therfore that how we view life, is intrinsic to how experience this precious life

Knowledge is power but only If we do something with the power. So lets learn and apply this knowledge to create a truly powerful and exquisite midlife

Wether you are 30 or 60 or beyond, these practices will serve you well and I truly can not wait share them with you .

PAUS has the most beautul hilltop bistro serving local seasonal home made food. If you would like to join me for lunch after the workshop then you can do so! please see the details bleow and you will receive details of the menu options a little neaer the time.

Date: 17th October

Time: 10.15am-1.15pm

Location: PAUS Studio

Price: £35  

*Option to join me afterwards for a nourishing seasonal & homemade lunch at the Bistro Hilltop Paus please add £15 

How to secure your place

Once you've registered for the class online, you'll receive an email requesting payment in order to secure your spot. Once you've made payment, your place is secure! 

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