Sun, 25 Aug
Rooftop Yoga & Pizza If you are in or around Cambrige this August bank holiday, then come and join me up in the clouds at Douce Heights for a chilled Sunday morning yoga practice followed by freshly made sourdough pizza and Olives

Time & Location
25 Aug 2024, 10:15 – 13:30
DOUCE HEIGHTS, 37 Eddington Ave, Cambridge CB3 1SE, UK
I am so delighted to be colaborating with Douce to bring this event of Yoga and Nourishment in such a glorious setting.
Practising on the rooftop, we will breathe, move and rest through a carefully curated yoga sequnece of both dynamic and restorative asana, encourging our Heart-Body-Mind to open to the joy contained in the present moment.
After an extended practice. we further nourish ourselves through sitting together, sharing freshly prepared vegetarian sourdough pizzas and olives.
Included in the ticket is a £5 voucher, redeemable against any drink at the Rooftop bar (non alcoholic beers and Mocktails also available)
I greatly look forward to welcoming you to Douce Heights for a few blissful hours of Noursihment and Connection.