Tue, 15 Feb
CHAKRAS~ a theme that has so much to explore and get curious about! It encompasses everything from how we explore and experience the external physical world, to how we process and ‘see’ our inner landscape of emotions.

Time & Location
15 Feb 2022, 19:30 – 22 Mar 2022, 19:30
The theme for our next block, is actually one we explored nearly 2 years ago as we first stepped out into zoom yoga world! and have touched on indirecty in many of our practices together, such is their rich content It is the Chakras. One of my favouirtes and a theme that hs so much to explore and get curious about!
It encompasses everything from how we explore and experience the external physical world, to how we process and ‘see’ our inner landscape of emotions.
Chakra (cakra in Sanskrit) means “wheel” and refers to certain energy points in our body. They are thought to be spinning wheels of energy that should be “open” and aligned, as they correspond to bundles of nerves, major organs, and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical well-being.
It is said we have 114 different chakras within the body but we will be focusing on the seven main chakras that run in alignment to your spine.
Each week we will fully eplore one of the seven main chakra looking at what part of the body/psyche it governs and how we experience imbalance as well as harmony through these vital centres. We will complement the practice with specific mudras (hand gestures that help to direct prana~ energy and bija mantra (each chakra has a specifc sound/vibration attcahced to it which when pracitsed assists with restoring harmony.
We begin from the ground ( Muladhara) where all is born and travel upwards through the body and energy centres to Ajna (intuitive wisdom) and Sahasrara (the crown chakra).
I can not wait for us to jounrey together!
15th Feb
MULADHARA~ Our Root. Exploring the foundation of our entire system that is Muladhara, and how we can find stability and steadiness in our bodies ~ our home ~ through carefully aligned standing postures, feeling the ground beneath our feet and building on from there…..
22nd Feb
SVADISTHANA~Sweet Abode~ From the steadiness of our roots, lets us learn how to flow like water through life when we align to that sweet place. The home of our emotions, sensations and creativity.
A focus on Hips and sacral area and fluid flowing shapes
1st March
MANIPURA~ Lustrous gem~ Once we can flow, recognise and process sensations and emotions, we can move towards transformation. The role of the third chakra our lustrous centre. The place of our Self-worth, our inner spark. The place where Will and effort combine to create energy and action.
Located just above the navel stimulated through heating twists, abdominal work and lateral shapes
8th March
ANAHATA~Un-struck Cord. The bridge between body and mind…From the realms of manifestation and body, we can begin to move into the Softer realm of Spirit . Associated with a love that is enduring, eternal and constant.
Expect postures to open the chest, upper back and shoulders….
15th March
VISHUDDHA~ Pure place. The ability to communicate what is in our hearts with clear intention and Clarity The ‘bottle neck’ between heart and brain, the throat is often the first place we feel a physical reaction when we are upset or when we feel we can express ourselves clearly. Let this practice offer the opportunity to move in a way that feels true to you. A practice to inspire confidence and compassion for how we treat ourselves and communicate with others through exploring mild inversions and upper back and chest openers.
22nd March
AJNA AND SARHASRARA CHAKRA ~ Ajna ~To perceive and Sarhasrara~ The thousand petal lotus or Crown chakra…. A quieter more contemplative practice as we move towards more introspective and meditative practices . Ajna , sometimes referred to as your third eye is said to be the seat of intuition. It is about insight, imagination and clarity of thought. Sarhasrara the Crown chakra, Recognising your souls purpose. Everything and everyone is connected and all the other chakras light the way towards this thousand petalled lotus. We feel awake, alive and in a state of Bliss knowing we are all weaved together in this great tapestry of life.
Though there's a specific focus each class, sessions will always be balanced and well-rounded.
As always, this 6-week series is bookable as a block @ £45 or if you prefer to ‘drop in’ you can do so @ £8 a class.
Date: 15th Feb - 22nd March
Classes are all live-streamed online between 19:30 and 20:30 and can be practiced in the sanctuary of your own space. You'll also receive a recording that you can access for 6 days in case you can't attend live.
As always, you will receive the recording link early the following morning if you were uable to join live or woul like to practice it again over the week.
Next steps:
1. Once you've registered for the class online, you'll receive an email requesting payment in order to secure your spot. Once you've made payment, your spot is secured and you'll be sent more information on how to access the live class and recording.